The park is located in Gurahonţ commune from Arad county, being administered by the Cristian - Sibiu Institute of Montanology, Gurahonţ Branch, Arad. The area of the park is 12.5 ha. The first planting works with native species were carried out in 1885.
In 1968, at the initiative of a passionate forestry engineer, Ştefan Eusebiu, measures were taken to transform the park into a dendrological one, then the park was expanded by another 4 ha, reaching the current surface.
Currently, there are about 2,600 taxonomic units inside the park, of which about 500 are rare or unique specimens. Among the rare genera existing in the park, we should mention: Ginkgo, Taxodium, Taxus, Sequoia, Celtis, Colutea, Tamarix, Cedrus, Ruscus, Phellodendron etc.